Here I am, reigning over the Marshall Mermaid Parade a few weeks ago. While I don’t take credit for starting the parade, I *was* Marshall’s first Mermaid, all the way back in 2008.
So, I consider myself Queen Mermaid. I mean, is there any doubt?
This leads me to the subject of this season: The Queen!
With the summer solstice just a few days away, we sit at the height of summer. Each of us positioned in our personal thrones, we survey our “Queendoms” from this highest height.
Summer Solstice is “Queen season”; a time to celebrate and honor what we have manifested and created.
I see people align with The Queen archetype a lot during my ‘blind smelling’ sessions.
But of all the archetypes, The Queen often takes the most explanation, or even convincing.
She’s one of the most difficult Archetypes to understand because of the many versions of queen in our culture.
The associations we have for queen span the spectrum: they “have it made”, they are wealthy and have lots of help, they are special, worshiped, revered, lucky. On the other hand, they are bossy, bitchy, tyrannical, cold, inaccessible and cruel.
Where does the medicine lie with all of these connotations? Resonating with The Queen as an archetypal ally can be tricky to decipher.
I see the The Queen archetype as the divine manifest-er.
She has the special ability to manifest heart-centered visions into reality. Yes, she “gets to” have the vision and be at it’s center, with helpers supporting her.
But she also shoulders all the burdens of the vision. She must stay at it’s center, never taking her eyes off the plan, never wavering.
So The Queen is a mixed bag, for sure.
Summer is The Queen’s season. The sun is at it’s highest place in the sky, in a throne just like we are.
Everything is in production. Things are happening.
We are not planning, dreaming, resting, nesting, or wondering. We are doing. It’s on.
Whatever you dreamed six months ago, in the velvet-y dark of Winter Solstice, is happening. The seeds you sowed have sprouted, maybe in neat rows, maybe all over the place. Maybe your harvest is well timed, maybe you have a shitload of zucchini all at once. Either way, this is your manifestation!
Let me say “well done”, Queen.
So now what?
Now you take stock. Look at how things are going. Really look.
Where do you need help? Get it.
What’s not going so well? Nourish it or compost it. Decide.
Where is there abundance? Appreciate it and use it as fuel, save some for later.
What’s coming at you in a week? a month? three months? Prepare.
Why are you doing any of this? Ask your heart.
But you can’t climb in the hammock and let the zucchini harvest itself.
You must tap into your heart for strength. You must ask for help. You must take only the finest nourishment (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). You must not waver.
Because the world is made of manifested visions.
If we Queens are wasting our time on bullshit in any form, we are off our game. This is why Queens seem bitchy and bossy, because they must be discerning about how to spend their energy.
And you know what? We Queens are tired right now. It’s been a long climb up to this vantage point.
We have been climbing steadily, right along with the sun, for 6 months.
But we can’t rest quite yet. Just a little ways to go.
We climb until the Summer Solstice, then marvel at the vista.
The rest of the year is momentum, a thrilling roller coaster ride; the reward for our determination, our unwavering focus, and our ability to manage the harvest.
I wish you a beautiful season of The Queen.
May the two of you walk together in harmony.