What is it like to bloom unabashedly, like the honeysuckle?To drip with nectar?How would it feel to know what you're attracting, and why?Not like "the Law of Attraction".More like the honeysuckle, buzzing with bees.This is what the Tantrika archetype will show you, if you listen.If you're …
Keep Aligning
Once upon a time I had no idea who I was or what to do with my life.You might relate. I had inklings, like how my job defined me or how certain relationships defined me (I'm a massage therapist, I'm a wife, a sister, etc).But I wanted to know more precisely, more innately, who I was.Like, …
So weird
One of my favorite episodes of This American Life is the one about tribes and belonging.First of all, it finally solved the mystery of why I like the sound of pencil on paper and whispered African accents (if you know, you know).Second, it framed a concept I'd been trying to …
Break on Through
I'm a Dark Half kinda gal.Bring on longer nights, cooler temps, scarves, and firewood piles.Give me that Dreamtime, that mystical lens, that rich subconscious realm.I love the Dark Half; September to March is when I'm feelin' GOOD.But first.Before I get to plunk down in front of my woodstove for …
On Purpose
I'm writing to you under the best of circumstances.I'm sitting in the dark of early morning, when the air is cool like a pond.There's a rooster crowing across the valley and raindrops are plink-plinking off the leaves.Remember when I wrote to you about "roaring chi"?My chi is roaring this …