I’m a Dark Half kinda gal.
Bring on longer nights, cooler temps, scarves, and firewood piles.
Give me that Dreamtime, that mystical lens, that rich subconscious realm.
I love the Dark Half; September to March is when I’m feelin’ GOOD.
But first.
Before I get to plunk down in front of my woodstove for half a year.
Before I get to spelunk the depths of my Dreamtime during those six months of delicious dark.
I gotta get through the threshold.
You do too.
We have to move from the Light Half (where many of you are in your happy place, yay!) to the Dark.
It’s like walking through a doorway.
Or diving into the water.
Or being born.
Or dying.
We have to move from one thing to another.
We move toward something different.
Autumn Equinox is September 22.
It’s the day when we stand at the doorway with equal amounts of day and night on either side.
And then.
We step through that doorway (with the help of our seasonal archetype, The Mermaid) and into the Dark Half.
We make the transition. We go toward something different.
Well, maybe. Maybe not.
The mystics and I wrote poetry in our Dreaming Moon temple a few nights ago. We are preparing to cross this threshold.
Our poetry priestess, Mary Ellen, had us write an homage to an Ursua K. Le Guin piece.
Here’s mine:
Please bring a whisper of clarity with each terrified step
Please send signs and direction and synchronicities, not too far apart
Let me not lose my shot
Let me not lose my life
Let me have some sense of peace and satisfaction, not too part apart
Let it teach me to trust myself
May it teach me to walk toward the water I only suspect of being there
Walk as though I follow
Walk as though I forge
Walk as though a million will follow this path, too
May I know when to lift my foot and when to set it back down
May the time the foot is in the air not kill me
May I learn to trust the time my foot is in the air before it returns to the path
Lifting, the only way forward
Always returning to the path
Even though I love the Dark Half, I gotta pass through a threshold to get there.
Simple? Yes. Easy? We shall see.
All change is like this.
Before we ever get the things we want we have to survive the transformation required to get there.
That’s why we walk with The Warrior archetype right before we dip into the Dark Half with The Mermaid.
After 6 weeks with the Warrior, we’re tough. We’re strong. We’re clear.
We can handle a threshold.
Not because it ain’t no thang.
But because it is, and we’re up for the challenge.
love & looking forward,