A year ago, I wrote to you about "sword mothers". I'm sending it again as a preamble to the poem about Patti Smith, one of mine. I watch a lot of TV.It’s a quintessential Piscean escape tactic, but it’s also fodder for my imagination.I was watching a show one day, and a character mentioned this …
getting here
Once upon a time I was a theater kid.Then I was a college student studying literature.Then I was a massage therapist, an aromatherapist, a ritualist, and, I guess, "witchy".And now I'm 49 with yet another version, fresher.I spent Queen season scanning my life from this archetype's signature …
sovereignty audit
During Queen season we contemplate the themes of her archetypal wisdom.One of her themes is sovereignty. Sovereignty means the authority to self-govern, a serious independence, a resistance to outside influence, a personal purity.Unpollutable.For example, a "sovereign nation" cannot by …
when to see the Mystery
Today is the Summer Solstice, and also a full moon. In a nutshell, it means there's a lot of light; a whole lot to see and plenty of time to see it.Last year I wrote a poem to honor Summer Solstice. I thought I would uphold that tradition, so here's another …
gratitude for early spring
I bet you've noticed.It's not early spring anymore.Trees are almost fully leafed out now, and gardens are beginning to flower in earnest.Here at Darkwood, the Black Pheobes are nesting, and my beloved favorite-of-all-time Wood Thrush has settled in for the summer. It's time to give …