Once upon a time I had no idea who I was or what to do with my life.
You might relate.
I had inklings, like how my job defined me or how certain relationships defined me (I’m a massage therapist, I’m a wife, a sister, etc).
But I wanted to know more precisely, more innately, who I was.
Like, who am I when there’s nothing external defining me?
And, I knew I was good at some stuff, but I wanted to know my destiny.
Like, how do I know I’m on the right track; my feet on a definite path, my stride confidant and wide, moving toward something?
So I sat quietly until I could feel my deepest essence (as one does), and I saw a formula of archetypes.
I’d studied archetypes when I was getting my Literature degree, and again in a Dianic mystery school, so I knew them and liked them.
This archetypal “formula” showed me that I was compromised of 7 main archetypes, so I blended myself some anointing oils to help me isolate, celebrate, invoke, and tone each one individually (and this is how river island apothecary got started, in a nut shell).
The archetypes showed me how to invest my energy to get where I am today.
They showed me who I am, which helps me understand how to beautifully tend myself, how to help others, how to find joy, the divine, and so much more.
Fast forward 12 years. I’m still using these exact 7 archetypes to keep me on track with who I am and how I invest my energy.
I now have a tried and true tool (12 years!) that helps me track and honor my personal evolution, and helps me do the work I was born to do.
And PS, that’s where I’ve been since January; walking my talk and letting these archetypes guide me right along side the Mystery School students.
So anyway, seeing your personal evolution and offering the work you were born to do sounds pretty good, right?
OK, good.
Here we go.
I figured out a technique called Archetype Mapping that the Mystery School students and I use each season to know precisely how the archetypes are gonna guide us.
The Archetype Alignment class takes this technique and goes super deep.
We’ll spend the first class getting our Archetype Mapping placements and talking about scent, magic, and some neurobiology.
Then we’ll study the magic and meaning of each archetype one class at a time; how she’s teaching, guiding, and blessing you, how she’s showing you who you are and what to do.
By the end of the month you are gonna have some serious clarity and inspiration. You’re gonna be psyched to get out and do it.
And don’t forget, the Mystery School students and I do this technique every season, so there’s no “been there done that” with this.
You keep doing it.
You keep aligning.
Because, you are growing and evolving! And you don’t want to be operating with some dusty outdated understanding of yourself.
Stay tuned up, sharp.
Stay aligned.
Through scent, magic, and neurobiology.
Your seat awaits.
And so does your Practitioner’s Kit (pictured below)
But wait! What if you already have a kit?
Well even more good news! You’ll have one helluva cool present you can give to someone super special.
love & alignment,