Once upon a time I was a theater kid.Then I was a college student studying literature.Then I was a massage therapist, an aromatherapist, a ritualist, and, I guess, "witchy".And now I'm 49 with yet another version, fresher.I spent Queen season scanning my life from this archetype's signature …
sovereignty audit
During Queen season we contemplate the themes of her archetypal wisdom.One of her themes is sovereignty. Sovereignty means the authority to self-govern, a serious independence, a resistance to outside influence, a personal purity.Unpollutable.For example, a "sovereign nation" cannot by …
when to see the Mystery
Today is the Summer Solstice, and also a full moon. In a nutshell, it means there's a lot of light; a whole lot to see and plenty of time to see it.Last year I wrote a poem to honor Summer Solstice. I thought I would uphold that tradition, so here's another …
a poem from way up high
A Poem for the Queen on the Summer Solstice:What do I see, up here with my bird’s eye?Acres of trying & failing & trying again.Long, constant rivers of ideas.I see paths worn deep, leading to temples with roofs shining and cemeteries for what used to be.Snowy mountain ranges, there to …
take a bow
Summer solstice is a week away.It’s a moment when our beloved friend Earth is doing something cool, so we pause & honor the occasion.We notice and revel, we participate and celebrate like we do when human friends have cool occasions like graduations, weddings, & …