The Queen is also known as The Creatrix, The Manifester, The Mother, The Boss, The Visionary, The Empress, The Spokesperson, The Queen Bee, The Exalted, Hera, Cleopatra, Her Majesty and others.
“After several years of trying to get pregnant without success, I was open to trying anything–and trust me, I’d tried a lot! I attended an Archetype Journey with Katie before my final IVF cycle, and The Queen spoke to me in a way that I knew I needed to get it. I wore it daily with the intention of manifesting my deepest desire: to be a mother. And while the IVF cycle didn’t work, out of the blue, days later, we got word of the possibility of adopting Joy. 7 weeks later she was born, with my partner and me there to welcome her into the world and into our arms. I couldn’t imagine any other baby being in my life! The power of manifestation is real–even though it might not happen the way you expected it to–and I’m grateful for the help of The Queen! Thanks so much, Katie! Love that you get to be a part of Joy’s adoption story! :)”–Katie R