Taking vows at Imbolc is a long-standing tradition among those who walk The Wheel of the Year.Vows are a way to honor our precious life force.It's also a way to focus it, keeping us on track for soul growth and connection with the divine.Admittedly, vows can feel intimidating, kinda heavy. But …
calling Imbolc
Invocations kindle our wisdom and invite benevolent companionship for ritual, gatherings, and creative endeavors. Face the East.Beloved east, we call to you and your Priestesses. We call the initiates, the ones who revere beginnings. We call Beginner's Mind, and the ones who tend its temples. We …
winter day
a poem inspired by the remaining days of Dreaming season. winter dayIt's 7 degrees.Rhododendron leaves hang brittle and black, rolled tightlike chandelier crystals,like fairy charms dangling from the trees along the river.Even the air feels brittle,crisping my lungs as I breath in.But the …
magic all year
I’ve always believed in Santa Claus.I believed in Santa unquestioningly until the 4th grade when one of my friends told me he didn’t exist. This friend made perfect sense, describing the parents loading the stockings after the kids had gone to bed and so on, but I went on believing in Santa …
and all the rest
Have you ever missed a night of sleep?Or what about 3 or 4 nights in a row? You feel nutty as hell, right? Like, you’re not firing on all cylinders; a cell phone with one lowly bar and 2% battery.OK, now what about when you get a good night’s sleep, or 3 or 4 good sleeps in a row? You’re a …