I have a bunch of dear friends who are pregnant right now, and a bunch more wanting to be (shout out, gals!!)
Personally, I’ve never been pregnant.
But! I’ve given birth to about a billion things, and always at this time of year.
I’ll explain.
At Summer Solstice, we walk with The Queen archetype.
The Queen is in charge of manifestation; birthing, producing, expediting, and creating.
Look outside.
See all that growth, the twining, the surging, the expanding, the light green tips of the trees?
Have you noticed what were once living Easter baskets filled with blue and speckled and tiny eggs are now overflowing with baby birds?
As the earth tilts us ever toward the sun, our hemisphere is its dance partner, answering the sun’s height with growth; Ginger to the sun’s Fred.
And so this is the time of year to birth and grow, to produce.
In doing so, you’re matching your energy to Nature’s, hoisting your sails to catch the particular wind of manifestation.
So that’s why I’m usually birthing right about now.
It’s been 6 months since the glorious dark and dreamy Winter Solstice, plenty of time to gestate a vision.
By the time Summer Solstice rolls around, my dreams and visions have become bottles of oils, workbooks, graphics, fancy calendars, and schools.
So while I am most certainly tired, I’m elated, like any parent who has worked hard to bring something new into the world.
I’m tired, but I want to shout from the mountaintops, come see what’s in the world now! Proud as punch, shots and cigars all around.
How about you?
Do you take time to celebrate how much effort it took to bring something into reality?
I mean, seriously. Think of all the effort.
You thought of something, or dreamed it. Then you let it percolate and marinate awhile. Then you acted on it and invested in it. Then you sweated and freaked out (oh, just me?) as it entered into reality for the whole world to see, touch, and experience.
Gah! It’s a BIG DEAL.
The Queen archetype teaches you how to honor your creations.
She will also teach you how to honor your losses, tenderly and deeply.
At Summer Solstice, we stand on the mountaintop, our hearts glowing right along with the high summer sun, and honor our birthright as Creatrix.
She who brings forth something that was not there before.
Magic. Absolute magic.
At Summer Solstice, like a Celtic lineage we sing the long incantation of our creations. We sing as the sun climbs and well into the evening, as long as it takes to name and honor each one, each creation.
The sun bears witness, encouraging and praising us, yes, and what else? Keep singing, keep naming! Feel your own power! Bask in it as you bask under my glow this longest day of the year!
Sing about the art you’ve made, the children you bore. Sing about the manuscripts. the businesses, the homes and offices, the organizations, the social justice movements, the music you’ve created. Sing about the communities and sisterhoods, the structures, shops, and dinners. It’s all creation. It’s all part of your song.
And in the light of the longest day of the year, you can see what will be birthed next, too. The Queen teaches us to see.
I birthed something new this year. In fact, today.
In truth, it’s a sibling. I birthed something like it last year, and the year before.
But still, it’s something new, and I think it’s beautiful.
I’ve been quietly working away on it since the dark of the year, helped along by a team of geniuses.
Consider this a birth announcement:
I created an online campus and filled it with everything I’ve taught, thought, and produced over the last many years.
And you’re invited!
It’s always open, you can pop in for a class any ol’ time.
And I want you to, because it’s so good, it’s so affordable, and it will change your life.
Celebrate with me. Click the link, check it out.
Sign up for a class or two. You’ll be so glad you did (and so will I).
If you need help birthing, or celebrating what you’ve birthed, consider taking The Queen class.
Because, the world needs your work out here, where it can help and influence us, not stuck in your dreams.
love & Summer Solstice,