I admit, I had to look it up when I first heard the term “FOMO”.
It stands for the “fear of missing out”.
Specifically, it’s the fear that we’re missing out while everyone else is at the event, doing the thing, or getting the treats.
I’ve felt it.
You’ve felt it.
But when you walk the Wheel of the Year, syncing up with the cyclical rhythms of nature, it’s like getting a vaccine for it.
No more FOMO.
For example, say you missed Summer Solstice last weekend.
You got busy, or too hot, or whatever, and you missed acknowledging this high holy day of light.
It was a magic, measurable moment for our planet, not to be repeated for another 365 days, and you missed it.
You could make it mean some things.
That you’re disconnected from nature.
That you’re not a good mystic, witch, wise woman.
That everyone else got the magic and the blessings of the Day of Light, but you didn’t.
Those are options.
Or, you could do what my mystical students do (shout out, babes!).
They simply (effortlessly, gracefully, with zero FOMO) back it up a cycle or two.
They find Summer Solstice in the monthly rhythm and celebrate, capturing all the magic and blessings, no problem.
Or they back it up to the daily rhythm, and celebrate it then.
This allows them multiple opportunities to work with the energy, the vibe, the magic of Summer Solstice without getting in a snit about “missing it”.
This is true for all 8 seasons in the Wheel of the Year.
There’s the yearly rhythm that includes the solstices, equinoxes, and cross quarter days.
But those seasons are also found monthly and daily.
So, we can always spend sacred time with a season and the season’s archetype.
There’s never “missing out”.
There’s never the feeling of “the train has left the station”.
You’re always on time.
You’re always included.
All you have to do is engage, like matching your rhythm to the jump ropes before you jump in.
Then it’s fun; a dance, a game, a beautiful, rhythmic practice.
love & summer dresses,