To formulate The Queen anointing oil, I used several essential oils derived from Roots.
A “Root oil” means that the plant’s essential oils are found exclusively in its roots.
Root-derived essential oils, attars, and absolutes will put you in touch with your innate ability to ground. They helpstabilize emotions, provide a sense of support and foundation, and access to “sustenance” from far and wide.
Because The Queen archetype rules manifestation, I used Root oils in this formula for endurance to see a vision through, stability when the going gets tough, and as reminder of strong support.
Because they’re subterranean, Root oils also help keep us cool when the summertime temperatures soar.
Root oils include Ginger, Vetiver, Tumeric, Angelica, Galangal, and Orris.
One of the prominent Root essential oils in The Queen anointing oil is Ginger (dried). I call Ginger “grounded fire” because it helps stabilize and ground like the other Root oils, but with a little extra heat to keep The Queen’s heart warm and her passions ignited.
The Root oils in The Queen anointing oil keep you strong and stable, and keep you from losing interest in an idea.
If your personal apothecary is lacking in Root oils, you need ’em!
My favorite suppliers for essential oils are:
Cathy’s Attars
Essential Aura
Eden Botanicals
Mountain Rose Herbs
love & farmer’s markets,