risingIt's been just over a month since the disaster of Hurricane Helene.Before a phoenix can rise from its ashes, I imagine it spends a long time stinking; a composting thing that once was, transmuting.After the rot, it catches fire -- more unpleasantness.I know the smell of burning hair well from …
Mermaid invocation
This invocation is especially for The Mermaid archetype. Use it on Autumn Equinox, under the Mermaid moon, and any day at sunset. We do invocations in a ritual for many reasons.It’s a way to honor the land where we to live and its features, and a way to “call in” the support of …
Capturing The Mermaid
This is an excerpt from The Mermaid Materia Mystica, the workbook included in this season's Writer's Group and the Darkwood 101 mystery school. When I began formulating The Mermaid anointing oil, I was a Mermaid.I was living and working in Marshall, NC, and if you’d walked into the town’s …
The Warrior Why
This essay was originally published August 2021, edited for today just a tad.I’m off track. Again.It might look like I have it together, but I don’t.Like everyone, I’m frustrated that COVID is rearing back up.I’m frustrated that it’s not easy to sit with you, offer divinations, or invite you to …
sword mothers
A year ago, I wrote to you about "sword mothers". I'm sending it again as a preamble to the poem about Patti Smith, one of mine. I watch a lot of TV.It’s a quintessential Piscean escape tactic, but it’s also fodder for my imagination.I was watching a show one day, and a character mentioned this …