Have you ever missed a night of sleep?Or what about 3 or 4 nights in a row? You feel nutty as hell, right? Like, you’re not firing on all cylinders; a cell phone with one lowly bar and 2% battery.OK, now what about when you get a good night’s sleep, or 3 or 4 good sleeps in a row? You’re a …
What to do with a wild mind?
If you're reading this, chances are you have a wild mind.Before we go any further, let's define wild and mind.By wild, I mean undomesticated and untamed, the same way we talk about "wilderness".The wild, or wilderness, in Nature is a miraculous entity, born of elements and time.This "wild" isn't …
Invoking the Wisdom Keeper
In ritual, invocations are used not only to honor Nature, but also as a way to open and unfurl each participant's mind, reminding her of the wisdom, capacity, and potential she has access to.Speak this invocation aloud or read it silently, use it for yourself or a group, say it daily or only in …
on purpose
This essay comes two days after the 2024 US presidential election, and about six weeks after Hurricane Helene. It's tempting to give up.Yesterday morning I woke up and felt like doing just that.I felt a "fuck it" wash over me, a hair-raising fear, and a deep loneliness.As though I were suddenly on …
who were the witches?
I learned this song when I was 17 years old, travelling through Yellowstone on a school bus filled with other Girl Scouts. I’ve been singing it to my classes for decades, and twenty years ago when my nieces were little, they requested it at bedtime (I bet they can still …