We’re walking the Wheel of the Year, spending around 6 weeks in each season.
Normally, right about now we’d be completing a season and getting ready for a “rest week” when we clear off our altar, pause our anointing practice, and let the work of the season settle and integrate.
But this time, we’re completing a whole season of rest.
How do we rest from rest?
We don’t. We start waking up.
So, where are we? We are in the “waking up” of the year, like each morning when you move from dreaming to waking, those first few moments of consciousness.
In those moments, there is a fresh day ahead filled with possibility. A new start. A blank slate.
And that’s where we are in the year, too.
We’re only 2 weeks away from walking with The Priestess archetype into the waxing light of the year. A new start. A blank slate.
In your day, how do you normally wake up? Do you stretch and yawn, maybe lay in bed and recall your dreams? Do you hop right up and into the shower? Do you snuggle with sweethearts or pets?
Whatever your “way” of waking up is, consider expanding that out into the next week or so. Devote some intentional time to it.
Honor it as a devotional practice to your personal rhythms and the rhythm of nature.
So, how did you sleep?
What did you dream?
What’s your year gonna be like?
This will be useful information when you walk with the Priestess into the season of Imbolc. She’ll want to know.
love & ritual,