Tomorrow, a sideways sickle will hang in the winter sky like a smile, like a chalice. It’s the first sliver of moonlight after the dark moon; The Priestess Moon, the Imbolc of the month.Under this moon, I will creep through the winter leaves, wet with rain, and …
the holiness of “empty”
Taking vows at Imbolc is a long-standing tradition among those who walk The Wheel of the Year.Vows are a way to honor our precious life force.It's also a way to focus it, keeping us on track for soul growth and connection with the divine.Admittedly, vows can feel intimidating, kinda heavy. But …
calling Imbolc
Invocations kindle our wisdom and invite benevolent companionship for ritual, gatherings, and creative endeavors. Face the East.Beloved east, we call to you and your Priestesses. We call the initiates, the ones who revere beginnings. We call Beginner's Mind, and the ones who tend its temples. We …
My Imbolc
I got up at my usual time, about an hour before light.The floors were cold as I padded through the house on bare feet.I lit a candle to guide me downstairs to the woodstove that would usually carry a little warmth from the full rounds loaded in before bed, but not at Imbolc.At Imbolc, I needed the …
Don't worry, I'm not about to talk about how to rid your aura of toxic vibes.Instead, I want to present purification as a path to clarity and ease, and as a way to create social change and fairness.Let's start here: The Priestess archetype rules purification, the second step of a …