Invocations kindle our wisdom and invite benevolent companionship for ritual, gatherings, and creative endeavors.
Face the East.
Beloved east, we call to you and your Priestesses. We call the initiates, the ones who revere beginnings. We call Beginner’s Mind, and the ones who tend its temples. We call the indigo light of dawn, the breath as it enters the body. When we face east, we welcome this wisdom and honor it within ourselves.
Face the South
Beloved south, we call to you and your Priestesses. We call the inner flame, the pilot light that’s kept us alive through the Dreaming of the year. We call life force and chi, and the drive to devote it with solemn vows. We call the strike of the match, and the hiss of the wick as our candles light. When we face the south, we welcome this wisdom and honor it within ourselves.
Face the West
Beloved west, we call to you and your Priestesses. We call the holy waters and wells, reflecting the sky but not to becoming it. We call the depths of The Mystery and the divine. When we face the west, we welcome this wisdom and honor it within ourselves.
Face the North
Beloved North, we call to you and your Priestesses. We call sacred ground, the caverns and caves that hold space for silence and rest. We call the temple itself, solid sanctuaries in any form. We call the stability of vows and devotion. When we face the north, we welcome this wisdom and honor it within ourselves.
Face Center
Beloved center, temple within, we honor you. You, altar where the inner flame burns bright, where prayer beads await; you, where smoke of incense and sacred herb unfurls. Beloved center, shelter for the little lamb, seat of the sacred, we welcome and honor your wisdom.
love and Imbolc,

photo by Jess Hopkins Photography