We do invocations in a ritual for many reasons.It's a way to honor the land where we to live and it's features.It's a way to "call in" the support of nature, angels, ancestors, and guides.But my favorite reason is to kindle genius and light up the psyche.When we face a direction and …
Ritual for the Mermaid moon
See that moon in the sky today?It's a third quarter moon, half light and half dark, waning toward dark.At Darkwood we call that The Mermaid moon.Why?Because it looks just like the Earth during Mermaid season (now); half light and half dark, waning toward dark.In Mermaid season, we cross the …
core sample
She said, one day you'll have to support yourself.Not my mom, or a teacher, a financial advisor, or a business coach.These words of wisdom were administered as I teetered on one of those big exercise balls at a gym-- my feet in the air, one hand over my head and the other planted firmly on a …
Eat the Scorpion
Last Sunday I had a crystal clear message come through during a guided meditation.Wait, lemme back up.Remember when we discussed the outward-facing mirror last week? That's one of the Priestess's tools that allows her to offer reflection.This week I want to talk about her superpower: …
Magical Blending
Once upon a time, I was a massage therapist working from a studio on an island in a river.My treatment room had soaring ceilings, and wall with layers of perfectly shipped old paint and giant windows that let in soothing, even northern light; the light that painters love.There was a beautiful …