The Wisdom Keeper knows, and that’s how we recognize her.
But she’s not the one talking on and on, listing credentials and accomplishments. She’s not spending energy convincing you, citing all the books she’s read, how many levels of training she’s had. She’s not making sure you know how many years she’s been at it or claiming that hers is “the way”.
Rather, she walks her Path, no matter what anyone else thinks about it.
She does the thing she knows and shares that wisdom when asked.
I was sitting in a class led by Ada-Belinda DancingLion at the Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference, and she said, “Wisdom is knowing, without having to know why or how you know”.
Her words went straight to my heart, and The Wisdom Keeper archetype made herself known to me then and there.
The Wisdom Keeper has nothing to do with age; she’s not a wise old woman, she’s just wise.
Just because a person has managed to move forward through time doesn’t mean that wisdom has been cultivated or gleaned.
Nor does having not moved very far through time make you unwise.
Wisdom and age are not synonymous or mutually exclusive.
One of my favorite images of a Wisdom Keeper is Pai, the young girl in the movie The Whale Rider. She’s not only young, but female. She is dismissed by her tribe for both things, but eventually they see her as a shining example of wisdom. (I won’t ruin the plot for you if you haven’t seen it).
So, connecting with The Wisdom Keeper means opening to wisdom in whatever form it comes.
It means listening, interpreting, and allowing guidance without judging the source.
For example, I was in an exercise class once where we used those big inflated rubber “medicine balls” to build core strength. The instructor wanted us to sit on the ball and balance without our feet or hands touching the floor or walls. She said, “you can use your feet to help you for now, but eventually you have to support yourself.”
That little pearl was loud and clear for me in the moment. Maybe the other people in the class only needed to hear it literally, but I heard it as divine communication.
I accepted the wisdom of that statement and did not question the source or setting.
I wish you a beautiful season of The Wisdom Keeper.
May the two of you walk together in harmony.