Here’s my rule of thumb lately: the more often I’m uncomfortable, the more comfortable I can be.
When I’m willing to withstand some momentary discomfort, like not knowing how to do something, doing something that’s scary or hard, being lost, or totally f*cking up, the bigger my comfort zone eventually becomes.
For example (and this will show you my age), email used to freak me out. I thought of it as some space-age nerds-only shit. I didn’t know how to use it, it made me uncomfortable, and I avoided it.
Same with driving a car, using a debit card, cell phones, social media, Mailchimp, websites, and Paypal.
But now these things are second nature. I’m up to my elbows in them everyday. No sweat.
Had I dismissed them because they were unfamiliar and made me feel vulnerable, dumb, and uncomfortable, my world would be pretty small.
Another example. When I started running again in April, I could only make it about 100 yards before my legs fatigued and my heart was beating out of my chest. Now I can run a 5k because I was willing to be uncomfortable in increments, patiently working up to a new comfort zone.
It takes time.
And you gotta start somewhere.
The Warrior archetype can help you out. She’ll cheer you on and remind you of your “Warrior why” — the bigger goal, the reason to withstand the discomfort.
Am I running to lose weight and look good in short skirts? Kinda. Or to blow off steam and help with hot flashes? Kinda.
But these aren’t reasons enough to get my ass off the couch and away from my cup of coffee in the morning, much less endure those gruesome first few weeks when I walked more than ran.
The Warrior archetype helps me see the real reason, my “Warrior why”.
The “Warrior why” is the thing you’ll fight for, the thing that breaks your heart, the thing that you wanna survive for.
Part of my Warrior why has to do with this email I got.
“Hi Katie, I discovered your oils about 8 years ago in Asheville. I remember taking a sniff and thinking “WOW” this smells really good. I signed up to receive your emails and have enjoyed your newsletters ever since. I just made a purchase of The Queen at Oak Moss Attic in Pittsboro. Thanks to your info in the newsletters I discovered this gem. The oil is just as captivatingly delicious as I remember. Your newsletters are really great. Thank you so much”. Sincerely Jean Josephus, owner of Jean Josephus Hair Design
8 years ago!! And here I am, still consistently offering quality oils and newsletters. Jean’s email helped me see (and value!) my reliability, my integrity, and my commitment to this work. Thank you, Jean!
This is Warrior work; keep showing up, keep offering, keep at it no matter what.
Start somewhere. Make progress. Keep going.
Then, look back and see how far you’ve come, how strong you’ve grown, and how things that were once mountains are now totally molehills.
See those mountains off in the distance, looming like some terrifying icy no-man’s land from Lord of the Rings? Future molehills, baby.
But only if you’re willing.
love & running outfits,