I’ve learned something about myself that will surprise no one.
I’m very good at quarantine.
Because of this time at home, I know the difference between the sound a squirrel makes in in the leaves versus a wild turkey. I’m refining my french braid technique. I can make a mean Alfredo sauce. I know when the moon pops over the ridge every evening. I could go on.
The point is, I’m good at self soothing and entertaining myself.
Maybe this is a statement you’d expect to read on a kid’s report card or a preschool assessment.
But this type of analysis is applicable to you as an adult, too.
So, how are you doing during this weird-ass time?
Are you over-eating, indulging in escape and distraction, riddled with anxiety and unspent energy, or overworking?
Are you desperate for time alone because you’re knee-deep in children?
Are you pretty close to pitching a fit or throwing a tantrum?
Mmmm hmmm.
Let’s look at where we are on The Wheel of the Year. We’re in the heart of Girl Child Season; three weeks in and three weeks to go.
She is THE PERFECT archetype for this quarantine.
She’s showing you a lot about yourself right now.
She’s showing you what matters to you, what engages you and keeps you feeling purposeful and in love with life.
She’s also showing you that you have “bad puppy” potential.
The Girl Child knows how you feel. She gets that rules can feel dumb, that being reminded to wash your hands all the time feels dumb, that missing your pals hurts the heart, and that too little structure feels like a run away train, out of control.
So, imagine a kid who is being a “bad puppy” at a restaurant. This kid is kicking the booth, pulling at her shirt, spilling her water, interrupting, and like one second away from a time out.
Then, someone brings her some crayons and a place mat with games and pictures to color, and she’s fine. Sitting quietly, immersed in her own little world, creating magic with her crayons.
You’ve seen that, right?
So, if you’re currently freaking the hell out on a daily basis, not sleeping, gaining (or losing too much!) weight, snapping at the people you love, causing chaos because it’s better than being bored…
…it’s important to figure out your version of crayons and a place mat to color.
Where can you put your attention? What do you need to feel engaged, soothed, and occupied?
You have The Girl Child archetype within you, you have access to her wisdom. Let her help you see this.
Because, “bad puppy” is not sustainable behavior.
You will cause permanent damage to your mental health, your body, your relationships, and/or your work if you keep it up.
And you’re just simply too valuable to be lost to this.
Your contribution, your love, your vantage point of the world is too valuable to be permanently damaged because of unsustainable behavior.
Anxiety, boredom, escapism and the like are kinda like sugar. A little bit is good and normal (especially during a pandemic) but you can’t eat it and only it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Like, you can’t. Your body will freak out and shut down.
So don’t.
Figure out what you need to do to occupy yourself, expend and discharge excess energy, and self-soothe.
That might mean asking for help. That might mean being uncomfortable for a sec while you switch gears.
But it’s worth it.
Because you’re worth it.
Because you’re needed in this world right now.
love & laughter,