This essay was originally published August 2021, edited for today just a tad.I’m off track. Again.It might look like I have it together, but I don’t.Like everyone, I’m frustrated that COVID is rearing back up.I’m frustrated that it’s not easy to sit with you, offer divinations, or invite you to …
self reflection
On Purpose
I'm writing to you under the best of circumstances.I'm sitting in the dark of early morning, when the air is cool like a pond.There's a rooster crowing across the valley and raindrops are plink-plinking off the leaves.Remember when I wrote to you about "roaring chi"?My chi is roaring this …
The Warrior Why
I'm off track. Again.It might look like I have it together.But I don't.Like everyone, I'm frustrated that COVID is rearing back up.I'm frustrated that it's not easy to sit with you, offer divinations, invite you to Darkwood for a class.Plus, I'm spending this Warrior season in The …
Livin’ all the way
If you want your thighs to burn, gripping the flanks of a speeding horse.If you want your hair tangled by the sheer frenzy of it all.If you want your voice hoarse from a day of anthems and battle cries.Or your shoulders to never want for comrades.Or your hands to blaze with the feel of …
Sing the Right Song
You have a choice right now.If you're remembered for being a failure, a fuck up, or a whiny-butt, it's because of this moment, this exact moment.As we spend this final week with The Warrior archetype, we can look at warriors throughout history, and the poet beside them.See her? This poet has been …