If you want your thighs to burn, gripping the flanks of a speeding horse.
If you want your hair tangled by the sheer frenzy of it all.
If you want your voice hoarse from a day of anthems and battle cries.
Or your shoulders to never want for comrades.
Or your hands to blaze with the feel of your blade and the heft of your shield.
You’re in the right place.
If your horse needs her shoes mended and her mane brushed and re-braided.
If your dog pack needs to eat and rest, tongues lolling and gums grinning.
If your hair needs untangling, salve smoothed your wounds.
Or your comrades need to hear your long songs and glorious stories.
Or your blade needs sharpening and your shield needs shining.
You’re in the right place.
It’s Warrior season.
And whether you’re on the Battlefield or in the Barracks, you are not fuckin’ around.
You’re in all the way.
Unless you are fuckin’ around; propped up and spoon fed, puttin’ on a Broadway show of excuses and whining, walking on eggshells and pussy-footin’, waiting for life on a silver platter.
If that’s where you are, then you need to meet the Warrior archetype more than anybody.
Be done with that nonsense.
You are far too valuable, far too brave.
This season you’re either livin’ all the way.
Or resting up from livin’ all the way so you can get right back at it.
Both are great.
Both are necessary.
So, which is it?
(Just a snapshot of what I said to myself in the mirror this morning after I saw the bobcat slink by while I was writing in my journal about courage. I’m sending it along in the ‘gram this week in case you can relate.)
love & livin all the way,