You may be learning our rhythm by now.
The way The Mystical Year students and I rest between each season.
We pause our anointing practice, clear off our altars, and rest.
We empty our psyches and soften our focus so that we’re fresh for the next season.
But we don’t just rest.
We also reflect (you’ll notice that on your Mystical Rhythms calendar).
We reflect back over the season and our experiences to track for patterns, transformation, and evolution.
We all know how time flies, how time can get away from us.
If we don’t pause on occasion to appreciate where we’ve been, how far we’ve come, and where we are now, it will all be a blur.
We’ll miss our growth!
We all love a good time lapse video of a mushroom plumping up, or a fern unfurling, right?
When we rest & reflect we get to watch ourselves do that; we catch that moment when we burst out of the ground, plump up and double in size, hatch, sprout….become.
We’d hate to miss that.
This season, we’ve learned not just from our time in Girl Child season.
We’ve also learned things from spending our first month ever in a global quarantine.
Think of how much you’ve learned, how you’ve adapted, shifted, grown, and changed since this all began.
It would be a shame to breeze past this moment in time without honoring it and gleaning from it.
If we just keep charging ahead we won’t properly integrate this experience; digest and metabolize it.
So, let’s pause.
What did the last month teach you about yourself?
How did play serve you in terms of problem solving?
What role did joy play? How often did you offer it? How often did you receive it?
What gifts has this time in quarantine offered you?
What latent strengths have you discovered?
How did The Girl Child archetype help you adapt to this “new normal”?
By taking a moment to acknowledge your transformation, your strength, and your adaptability, you will bolster and reassure yourself for the future.
You will have evidence that:
You are someone that can handle things. You are someone that helps and is helped. You got this.
So reflect, then rest.
Then get ready, because you are in for a treat with next season’s archetype!
love & Girl Child FOREVER!!