Even though this happens twice each year, it always feels like a total miracle.
Miraculous, like a friend showing up with a cup of coffee for you just when you need it.
Or a greeting card arriving in the mail the exact moment your spirits needs a lift.
Or when you reach into a jacket pocket from last season and find money.
The miracle of perfect timing.
I’m talking of course about the big shift into the “Light Half” of the year. Spring Equinox.
Six months ago, Earth tilted us into the Dark Half for 6 months. That’s where we’ve been.
That was also perfect timing, at least for this girl.
Because six months ago I was tired of all the hullabaloo, tired of being hot and everything being so dang bright and growing-growing-growing.
Six months ago I ready to go inward, hone my mystical intelligence, drift in the Dreamworld, and “sleep my face off”.
And quite honestly, grieve.
As the trees shifted their energy in and down last autumn, like a good dance partner, I matched that rhythm and shifted too.
But now, I’m ready for something else.
And so is this whole hemisphere.
You can tell.
Here, the hillsides are just blushing into the russet tones of bud casings.
The Black Phoebes are back in the woods, scoping out bare branches (and my rafters) for a suitable nest.
Mystically speaking, a different energy is whispering to us now, too.
It’s not the deeply rooted inward language of the Dark Half that offers invites deep dives, dreamwork, ancestral conversations, and time in the sacred interior.
It’s the opposite.
This new momentum is outward, sprouting, emerging.
It’s active. It’s awake.
It’s the energy of the Light Half, and we take our first step into that realm this weekend.
How should you prepare?
This week the mystics and I are in a period of “sacred rest”.
With altars cleared and anointing practices paused we digest the learning from last season.
The way you would not eat a giant meal immediately after eating a giant meal, we pause to digest and assimilate what nature and the archetype has taught us.
We pause so that the next season has newness rather than simply “more-ness”.
So when Earth tilts us, we are hungry for it, we are conscious of it, and we are ready to hoist our sails up to catch that momentum.
Then, we will work the Light half, and let it work us.
We will begin by walking with The Girl Child archetype, the perfect herald for 6 months of Light. Just as her comrade, The Mermaid, is the perfect herald for the Dark Half.
But me personally? I have some sweet little personal rituals.
Like, I switch out my nose ring and wear a gold hoop instead of a silver stud.
I start sleeping outside on the porch.
I also move my altar outside.
So how about you? How are you pausing to acknowledge this shift?
What will be different about your routines, perspectives, and projects?
How will you honor the sea change within your own nature?
Some of you might bust outta the Dark Half like a roman candle, sparkling with pent up effervescence.
Some of you might just peek around the corner, not quite ready for the shift.
This is a sacred “you do you” moment.
Build in gentleness, or celebration. Set yourself up for success. Don’t compare your experience to that of others.
This is what “honoring nature” looks like; not forgetting to honor your own.
love & wait for it….light

PS: those Writer’s Groups are seriously good. I hope to see you there!!