I first read The Passion of Mary Magdalen by Elizabeth Cunningham in 2006 on the way home from the Priestess gathering in Minnesota.
It changed me. It spoke to my heart.
The Passion of Mary Magdalen inspired The Tantrika anointing oil and my understanding of that archetype.
So now, there’s a whole chapter about Maeve in The Tantrika self study.
I’ve read this book at least 5 times, and something different strikes me every time.
That’s the way of favorite books, the ones I return to over and over.
They stay relevant, and while that seems impossible because the words obviously remain unchanged, I see a different facet, relate to something in a different way.
I’ve read a bunch of books (I have a BA in literature) but I don’t have many favorites that I read again and again.
This is one of them, along with the other 3 books in the Maeve Chronicles.
I use it to track my evolution, help me see how I’ve changed.
The things I found intriguing and relatable about Maeve in 2006 are worlds away from how I relate to her now.
And I like that. I celebrate that.
When I re-read this favorite, I get to be with Maeve but I also get to be with my past selves; the one that focused on the Lover and the Beloved, the one that honed in on the fire of the stars, and the one that just wanted to stay in the temple of Isis forever.
I love those versions of me, and I love the one I am now.
How do you track your evolution?
How do you notice your own transformation year after year?
Click HERE to read more about Maeve and Elizabeth
love & Maeve