Hi all,
I loved getting all of your comments last week from the “Right to Bare Arms” piece. Have you begun to integrate that practice? It makes such a big difference in how your arms look, and how you feel.
Sensory Intelligence
You may have noticed that I refer to myself as a Sensualist. I adopted this term a few years ago after claiming a gift that I’ve always taken for granted: sensory intelligence. Having sensory intelligence means that I take in information through my senses, and allow that information to shift and guide me. For instance, I know, at any given moment, what I’m feeling and why. This makes for a life filled with delight and clarity.
And why does that matter? Well, first, it allows me to maintain a level of presence, or present moment awareness. When I am sensing, I am engaged. I am connected to what’s going on; what’s around me. I don’t need proof that I belong, or that “I’m here”. I’m not confused as to whether things are OK or not OK. I have these answers. I know what’s mine (happiness, sadness, etc), and I can differentiate from what’s not (your happiness, sadness). I also tend not to waste time being distracted; worrying about the future, or fretting about the past.
How would you rate yourself on Sensory Intelligence?
Right now, can you clearly articulate what you smell, hear, see, feel, taste, and “sense” (as in: the6th sense)?
Can you articulate how each of those things are making you feel?
This will help you determine how to feel better, how to feel more connected, and how to delight in the world around you right now.
I like New York in June…
Things are getting real here at river island apothecary. I just accepted an elite invitation to the Women’s Wear Daily Beauty Summit in NYC this June. This is a huge leap for me. I will be surrounded by a class of beauty industry professionals which I have only read about it. It can only mean one thing: that I belong there. And while I’m shaking in my boots a little, I have to trust that Providence gave me this opportunity, and I gotta take it.
If we were playing Mother May I, I’d be the one stuck on “Mother may I take 3 giant leaps?” No baby steps or bunny hops for me.
Wanna help me get to NYC? There are 3 ways:
- Stock up on r.i.a.!
- Keep a constant, solid image in your mind of me easily affording this adventure.
- Stay tuned for some extra special offers that will be available to you only, my aromatic tribe.
- And, well, you can always pop a check in the mail.
I hope everyone will enjoy this lovely Spring day, and take some time to sense the glorious world around you.
Thanks for reading!