This essay was originally published August 2021, edited for today just a tad.I’m off track. Again.It might look like I have it together, but I don’t.Like everyone, I’m frustrated that COVID is rearing back up.I’m frustrated that it’s not easy to sit with you, offer divinations, or invite you to …
Warrior Why
On Purpose
I'm writing to you under the best of circumstances.I'm sitting in the dark of early morning, when the air is cool like a pond.There's a rooster crowing across the valley and raindrops are plink-plinking off the leaves.Remember when I wrote to you about "roaring chi"?My chi is roaring this …
The Warrior Why
I'm off track. Again.It might look like I have it together.But I don't.Like everyone, I'm frustrated that COVID is rearing back up.I'm frustrated that it's not easy to sit with you, offer divinations, invite you to Darkwood for a class.Plus, I'm spending this Warrior season in The …
Find your Warrior Why
Your destiny depends on it.Well, lemme back up.You may not have a destiny.You might be that rare soul with no purpose, a doormat of a reincarnation, so it doesn't matter what you do. It's OK to keep on letting yourself get kicked around. You can relax....You didn't think I was serious, did …