Hi all!
Greetings on this Memorial Day. I am just home from a quick morning errand, and had the most magnificent drive. The air is filled with the scent of honeysuckle nectar, and mailboxes and neighborhood signs are adorned with fluttering American flags. The morning is quiet, a stillness in honor of the fallen, perhaps.
Memorial Day is in honor of those who died while serving in the U.S. armed forces. It is one day that we all collectively slow down and reverently express our gratitude for this loss of life, and honor the pain of the families who are left without these loved ones.
While the bravery of this sacrifice is unmatched, I also want to honor that each of us has a way that we serve. We are all in service, every minute of our lives. The way that we each serve is important and vital to the flow and function of our communities.
And, let me get real for a moment. Martyrdom is out. Yep, it’s as outdated as land lines and as harmful as lead based make-up. You cannot expect pats on the back, rescue, pity or sainthood for what you do.
YOU are responsible for placing importance on the service you offer, and ensuring that you are in condition to deliver it. Whether you know people in the military or not, even if you’ve ever seen a trailer for a movie about, say, Navy SEALS, you are aware that they train extensively for this service, and that they do it without constant thanks and reassurance.
Self Care is the way we give thanks for having something to offer the world. Self Care is the way we unburden those around us. Self Care is the way we honor ourselves, and the work that comes through us. Whether your work is caring for one person, finding the cure for cancer, or teaching kindergarten, it’s equally important and divine.
So, what’s your plan? How are you going to care for yourself so that you can offer your service to the world?