I bet you’ve noticed.
It’s not early spring anymore.
Trees are almost fully leafed out now, and gardens are beginning to flower in earnest.
Here at Darkwood, the Black Pheobes are nesting, and my beloved favorite-of-all-time Wood Thrush has settled in for the summer.
It’s time to give the Girl Child a deep bow of gratitude and say goodbye as we prepare for the next archetypal season.
Thank you, early spring
for modeling bravery, facing the
discomfort and unknown of
“above ground”,
emerging scared and small
sprouts and buds,
all of us.
Thank you, equinox
for the sensations of balance,
and out-of-balance.
I am keen to the difference.
Thank you, Girl Child
for reminding me
that I’m
designed to play
and grow.
Always growing, like ears.
Thank you, threshold
for marking the difference
between this
and that
Thank you, community,
for plucking the gossamer strands of our web
wherever you are,
I feel you.
love and Girl Child gratitude,