Hi all!
The Divine Download this week is simple. I want to share some inspiring experiences I had, and invite you to share any great experiences you’ve had.
3 cool things:
The first cool thing: I live near a beautiful creek that meanders and falls and pools through a pristine woodland. In some places it’s deep enough to get in. Last week, I found myself in this creek twice in one day. Once in the morning when the spider webs still stretch across the path, and once at dusk when the light is blue. Both times were magical, and left me feeling deeply connected with the people I was with, and the Nature that surrounded us.
The second cool thing: On Friday night, the night of the Blue Moon, a jet black mamma bear with low swinging nursing boobies walked across our yard. Her two very tiny, very black cubs followed her. They were silent, and seemingly on a mission.
The third cool thing: On a whim, the Pirate and I drove to a lake and paddled a canoe out into it once it was dark and the stars were out. We slipped into the water, and floated in it’s warmth while we looked up at the sky. The night was quiet except for our little dog swimming out to check on us, circling us and breathing rythmically.
These things brought me joy, and joy inspires me and my work.
Thanks for reading!