I'm a Dark Half kinda gal.Bring on longer nights, cooler temps, scarves, and firewood piles.Give me that Dreamtime, that mystical lens, that rich subconscious realm.I love the Dark Half; September to March is when I'm feelin' GOOD.But first.Before I get to plunk down in front of my woodstove for …
Autumn Equinox
Falling in Love with Your Self
Last night was beautiful. And painful.I sat alone on my porch in the dark, listening to the last crickets singing in the trees and watching Mars rise over the eastern ridge, glimmering red.It was warm enough to be outside with a sweater and a scarf. The woods cradled me as always, and my warm, clean …
who’s afraid of the dark?
I have pet peeves just like anyone else.Some are like whatever, and some make me insane.This one makes me insane.This one cuts people off at the knees, breeds divisiveness, and vilifies something sacred.It's meant well, and I know the people who say it have their heart in the right place, …
lost & found
I began this year by taking vows.It's what we do around here. At Imbolc in early February, the mystics and I walk with The Priestess archetype and commit our life force to the coming year. This year I vowed to tend my Self.It sounds simple, but it's no small thing.As each archetypal season …
During my sojourn along the gulf coast last week I became aware of a painful fact: I was repeating a pattern of self sabotage.This particular pattern looks like this: ignoring my need for quiet contemplation, the inner wild, and communion with the mysteries in favor of staying current with emails, …