If I could go back to middle school I know exactly what I’d do.
I was already in the school band back then, but this time instead of the french horn I’d learn the drums.
I’d do it so I could be a bad ass on the high school drum line, then the college drum line.
I love drums.
And I have great rhythm.
My great rhythm is what makes me a good mystic.
It’s what makes you a good mystic, too.
Wait, what’s a mystic again?
A mystic is a know-er of unknowable things; a person well-versed in an ineffable language with an ear cocked to a constant stream of divine guidance.
Come again?
It’s someone who’s tapped into something cool, secret, and magical AF who always seems to be in the right place at the right time.
See? You’re a mystic (when you tap in and pay attention).
Your natural proclivity to listen for and respond to rhythm is how you access your mystical nature.
And that sets you up for ease, connection, and tons of magic.
It helps you know where to direct your focus, predict your responses, and hoist your sails to catch just the right breeze.
In other words, it makes life easier.
A rhythm helps you pace. Gives you something to follow. It’s a guide.
What is it guiding you toward?
Ease. Fluidity. Great energetic investments. Flow.
The Mystical Rhythms calendar is a rhythm.
This calendar helps me be in the right place at the right time.
I can predict when I’ll use play to problem solve, when I’ll tend to my grand visions, and when I will be called upon to trust my gut.
I’ll also see where and when my energy is gonna be reliably strong. And also when I should rest.
I’ll know when my sticky, challenging days are, and when I’m guaranteed to be kickin’ ass and takin’ names.
And I’ll know exactly which rituals and anointing practices to do and when.
It will work this way for you, too.
Great, right?
Because knowing what energy you’ll have access to is like having a weather forecast that helps you enjoy a pretty picnic versus sitting on a soggy blanket with a soggy sandwich in the rain, wondering why you’re never in the right place at the right time.
It’s handy.
So, back to me in that drum line.
Even though I’m not a real drummer (sigh), it is my role in the lives of my students, clients, and customers.
I keep it going. I keep the beat. Season after season, moon after moon, I’m here with these rhythms, these rituals, catching easy mystical breezes rather than going against the grain.
Right place, right time.
Part surrender, part good timing.
Boom ba-dap-tap-boom.
love & porch time,