There are so many things to be.
But I mostly try to be curious.
Even though our culture generally prefers “knowing”.
Certainty. Mastery.
But in my experience, that whole mastery-thing can be kinda stagnant if you’re not careful.
Mastering something means you were curious once, for sure.
It’s how you arrived at your subject of mastery in the first place, right?
But are you still curious about it? Are you growing within your field of mastery?
How do you know?
Because there will be movement.
Curiosity begets movement.
What if things have gotten a little stagnant and stuck?
Like, there’s a stuffy feeling about your life, even though you love it and are still interested in all the things you’re doing.
It might mean that you’re lacking curiosity.
That happened to me a couple weeks ago.
Even though I have a really cool life and really cool work, I felt stuck.
So, I decided to take a cue from The Mermaid archetype and follow some curiosities.
One in particular.
One that I’ve been curious about for awhile.
But, following it meant that I’d be out of my position of “mastery”.
And way out of my comfort zone.
I did it anyway.
Because, something needed to move. I needed fresh air.
And curiosity is the engine — the medicine of movement.
It worked.
It was an ass-backwards approach, but it worked.
Here’s what I did:
I got a little boutique job, just a few days a week.
I’m new at this job, so I have no idea what I’m doing — a far cry from being the big magical channel of this archetypal cosmology.
Miles away from being a lead teacher and facilitator, an entrepreneur with decades under my belt.
I removed myself from a position of “mastery” intentionally.
And it’s opening up my brain like you wouldn’t believe.
It’s exactly the fresh air I needed.
But not only that.
Because I was willing to try something new, doors are opening.
In my brain, yes. But also in my life.
It’s as if I gained acreage.
I have more room to move around.
By following a curiosity, it led me out of my comfort zone and into uncharted waters (The Mermaid’s favorite place to be).
I have more space.
That means my mastery has more space, too.
By being curious and doing something I know nothing about (the boutique job), I have expanded the potential for my mastery.
But wait, there’s more you should know before you dive into your own curiosities.
Two specific things that will nip your good intentions in the bud.
They will fence that acreage in fast.
The two things are: assumption and expectation.
If you’re trying something brand new but assume it will go a certain way, that’s not curiosity.
If you’re trying something new but have expectations about how it will go, that’s not curiosity either.
Expectation and assumption are fake certainty, wanna-be mastery.
The opposite of growth and expansion.
OK, so with that outta the way, where were we?
Oh yeah.
What are you curious about?
Are you brave enough to follow it?
Can you loosen your grip on certainty and ditch assumptions and expectations?
This is the nature of expansion.
This is why we spend time with The Mermaid archetype, the part of our psyche that is curious about the unknown.
It grows us.
It moves us.
It’s our nature to grow and expand.
So now I’m really curious about what’s got you curious?
Make a list of 3 things you’re curious about, and maybe spend some time with one of them today.
Just a little. Nothing major.
Without agenda, without expectation.
Just be willing to go where it takes you.
Even if it’s into uncharted waters.
And don’t worry.
The Mermaid archetype, the part of your brain that loves weird stuff and unknown territory, is with you every step of the way.
love & mystery school,