What is it like to bloom unabashedly, like the honeysuckle?
To drip with nectar?
How would it feel to know what you’re attracting, and why?
Not like “the Law of Attraction”.
More like the honeysuckle, buzzing with bees.
This is what the Tantrika archetype will show you, if you listen.
If you’re curious.
You have this ability, this genius, and it’s your birthright.
To glisten with generosity and deep sweetness.
To offer without depletion or expectation.
Simply as a response to a seasonal tide, a knowing that “it’s time”.
Like how the honeysuckle knows it’s time.
This is seasonal alignment.
This is alignment with your Self, too.
This is The Tantrika archetype and her teaching, her “magic and medicine”.
Beltane is about paying attention to this facet of your Self for a whole season.
You will learn to bloom, or bloom with more ease.
You will learn the bliss of being found by “your” bees, and to offer your sweetness with generosity.
The Tantrika teaches you to wield this function of your design, your birthright.
You are designed to offer, collaborate, and bloom unabashedly.
love and blooming,