Your Work aligns with Nature, just like you.
A year-long mentorship applying the Darkwood School to your Work.
enrollment is closed until September 2025
Get started by filling out this “self-selection” application.

Mentorship 2026
Support your business and creative life…so that it can support you.
What if you could give your business or art a year with The Darkwood archetypes?
The Darkwood School has always offered programs that support your Self and personal evolution.
And now you can apply this to your Work!
The Mentorship program uses The Darkwood School teachings to inspire, guide, organize, and align your Work with the Wheel of the Year, the elements, and The Darkwood Archetypes for momentum and ease.
- align yourself with your Work
- support and improve your business/art
- separate your Self from your Work
- start a win-win relationship between you and your Work
- align your Work with seasons, elements, and The Darkwood Archetypes
you’ll get
- A one-on-one Advisory Call with me each season
- A private Archetype Alignment Call with me in January to determine the Archetype Walk for your Work in 2026
- Year-Ahead Spread for your Work
- A 3-hour group workshop each season (8 total)
- Workbooks:
- The Materia Mystica PDF
- The Elements of Work PDF
- The Darkwood Beat for each season
- The 2026 Darkwood Almanac
- invitations to one-off graduate classes
“You see people and their gifts very clearly, and I think a lot of that is from your deep work in mysticism. You’re so tuned in to people, and that it carries over when you’re talking about business and aligning people with their business. I highly recommend you as a business coach (even though you don’t call yourself that). I cannot recommend you enough!
I feel incredibly lucky, blessed, and fortunate to have had your eyeballs on my business for the last 10 years. I cannot imagine doing what I’ve done without you. You really pushed me beyond what I thought I could do. You’re a huge gift, and I think anyone who gets to spend even five minutes with you is lucky beyond belief. But man, if they can really spend some one-on-one time with you and go deeper, there’s nothing they can’t do.
You have an incredible skill at hearing what’s said, zooming in on the parts that are getting lost or glossed over, and amplifying them. You also zoom out and get to the crux of the matter in a way that I’m not able to see. You do it with warmth, a lot of humor, and incredible clarity. You’re really able to see me and speak the truth.
I also love that you have a no-nonsense approach. You’ll show me a path to go down, which sometimes it’s just me getting out of my own way, and other times you offer a specific strategy that speaks to my aptitudes as strengths as a business owner, not just some general, trendy business advice. “
– Jane Carter, 2024
Integrating Katie’s Wheel of the Year rhythms and Archetype medicine into my life and work has not only helped to unveil my authenticity but has also created a beautiful space for profound self-healing, expression, and getting grounded in my power. And as someone who struggles with feeling like I’m not enough as an artist, the confidence I’ve fostered through Katie’s guidance and support has shifted the way I manage projects into a more relaxed and self-assured approach. The energy and perspective that Katie brings to her Work is this perfect cocktail of soul-deep wisdom, hype-girl, gentle-but-no-bullshit feedback, and true compassion; it’s been so fun to work with her!
-Courtnie M., 2024
details & FAQ’s
why are you capitalizing “Work”?
I capitalize this word to distinguish it from “job”. To me, Work represents something that your soul wants to offer to the world. Work can certainly be your “job”, the thing that earns you a living, but it’s not limited to that. Your Work is how you help; equal parts passion, curiosity, proclivity, and generosity. Often, Work shows up as art and business. In my 25 years as a self-employed artist and business owner, I’ve come to understand this on a personal level and can speak to it with compassion, street cred, and fluency.
what if I don’t know what my Work is?
The Mentorship is designed for people who already have a project or business in place or are in the early stages developing something specific.
If you’re curious about your Work, first of all let me congratulate you!! That’s the most fabulous thing to be curious about. Secondly, I recommend you start in the Darkwood 101 program. That program is designed will help you cultivate a potent sense of Self, which is the best vantage point from which to see and identify your Work.
what are the seasonal workshops like?
Workshops are all online.
We’ll spend 3 hours in a workshop each season applying archetypal wisdom via The Darkwood Archetypes, elements, and elemental applications to your Work.
The workshop will introduce you to the concepts in your workbook. I’ll present various topics, discussions, and writing exercises in class that will align you and your Work with the season, archetype, and element.
The class flow is generally:
- opening ritual and grounding meditation
- lecture about the season + corresponding archetypes
- writing exercises to help you apply that to your Work
- reflection and Q & A
- a culmination, like a Magic Mind poem
- closing ritual
Each season we will focus on a different element and archetype and how it applies to your Work. For example:
- The Priestess & Earth element: structure and the bare bones of your Work
- The Girl Child & Air element: clear communication and the life-giving atmosphere your Work provides
- The Tantrika & Fire element: using fire-building as a metaphor for your Work
- The Queen & Light element: honoring your Work by distinguishing Queen tasks from Worker Bee tasks.
- The Warrior & Center: how to create gravity within your Work for ease and consistency
- The Mermaid & water element: learn to acknowledge and create currents and tides within your Work as momentum
- etc….
when do the workshops meet?
The seasonal workshops will meet from 1 – 4 pm EST on Thursdays. Dates for each season will be available when enrollment opens in September 2025.
- Priestess
- Girl Child
- Tantrika
- Queen
- Warrior
- Mermaid
- Wisdom Keeper
- Dreaming
what’s the attendance policy?
Participation is important. The workshops are designed as interdependent experiences that reply upon collective contribution. You can miss up to 2 workshops. If you miss more than that, we’ll have a chat about whether or not the program is a good fit for you. If you are dismissed for non-participation, you will still be obligated for the full tuition, including monthly payments.
do I get one-on-one time with you?
Yes! a bunch!
To help you individualize your experience, you will have one 30-minute Advisory Call with me per season (excluding the Dreaming Season); seven in total.
During Advisory Calls I’ll listen deeply to the ways you are applying the season’s teachings to your Work, and then offer potent reflection and guidance. These calls will help you understand how your Work can align with and benefit from the season and archetypes. We’ll also discuss your Work’s year-long archetype and how it’s contributing.
Plus, the Archetype Walk Call!
We’ll begin the year with a rich, potent phone call to determine the archetype that your Work is going to walk with this year. This will help you with a couple of things.
First, it will allow you to see your Work as separate from your Self so that you can honor its evolution as an independent being. It will also position you as a partner with your Work, so that you can help and support it, and make independent contributions. Seeing your Work as different from your Self allows you to see the brilliant alchemy created by you + your Work. Rather than a feeling of ownership, responsibility, or even obligation; you can see your Work as a collaborator with whom you join forces to bring something magnificent into the world.
Knowing your Work’s year-long archetype will help you see what your Work needs, how it’s evolving and upgrading, and its “function” in the world this year.
During our call I’ll use a variety of writing prompts, divination techniques, and meditations to help you know your Work’s archetype, then we’ll end with a short-but-sweet ceremony honoring your Work’s Archetype Walk.
what is an “Archetype Walk”?
Each year the grad students and I align with a Darkwood archetype and “walk with” her for the full year instead of just her usual 6-week season.
At the beginning of the year, you and I will plan a phone call (outside of your seasonal advisory call) where I’ll help you align with the archetype you’ll be walking with. Then, you’ll spend the year seeing through her lens, paying attention to her times of day, moons, and seasons, and noticing her patterns in Nature and yourself. You will learn to alchemize her with every season and every archetype.
If you do the work, the Archetype Walk is a lovely, efficient way to evolve and upgrade your wisdom of your Work.
what is the “Year Ahead Spread”?
Using the oracle deck of your choice, together we’ll pull cards using a layout unique to Darkwood that will help you understand the “wisdom upgrade” for your Work in each 2025 season. Using a specific set of prompts, you’ll pull 1 or 2 cards for each season, then log this information for easy access and reference all year. You’ll learn how to look for patterns, circuits, and deep meaning in this spread, and most importantly to allow it to unfurl rather than predict the future.
who participates in the Mentorship?
This program is open to 6 or 7 women or femmes, graduates of The Mystical Year aka Darkwood 101.
Participants are all interested in bettering their Work and studying and applying the course material with devotion and organization. These students are interested in the applied aspects of the course material with less emphasis on socializing and sharing (although we’ll definitely connect and have fun). Mentorship participants are punctual, attend class with regularity and with enthusiasm, and have a natural aptitude for study, application, writing, and archetypal symbolism.
are there requirements for attendance and other things?
Attendance: students can miss no more than 2 seasonal workshops per year. If a student exceeds this, we will consider dismissal with no refund.
Advisory calls: students are expected to attend their scheduled Advisory Call.
Tuition: students on the monthly payment plan will be invoiced and must pay on time, with a penalty fee for missed and late payments. Students who are dismissed for non-payment, late payment, or poor attendance are still responsible for making their monthly payments.
Intellectual Property: students will enroll with a clear understanding that this Mentorship is not a teacher training, and that participating in the program is not permission or preparation to teach or practice this material. In fact, the Mentorship prepares you to create your own pedagogy, techniques, and methods unique to you.
Student Contract: before acceptance into the Mentorship, all students will sign a contract clearly outlining requirements, rules, and agreements.
why so many rules?
In short, to help you show up for your Self.
Sadly, we live in a culture that encourages women to blow off plans with themselves when work, family, and/or romantic partners “need us”. Women have been trained to consider self-care and self-betterment “low priority” our whole lives; plans with our Self often reads as “no plans” and get easily replaced.
I know this because I’ve done it. A lot.
These rules are in place to help you stick to the plans you made for your Self and prioritize the relationship with “her” (you). They are here to support your commitment to self-awareness and personal growth. These rules are hearty incentives to show the fuck up for your beautiful, unique, miraculous Self.
I will be showing up for you for a year. I want you to show up “for you”, too.
Tuition & enrollment
In full: $3,400 by Dec 19, 2025
Monthly: $300 for 12 months, beginning December 1, 2025
Enrollment will open September 2025.
Get started by filling out this “self-selection” application.