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Anointing Oils
Get a major dose of clarity in about 15 minutes.
Archetype Readings are like tarot readings, but with aroma instead of tarot cards.
An Archetype Reading will answer your deepest question, am I on the right track with my life?
This reading helps you see what “creative season” you’re in, and the type of wisdom you are most aligned with right now.
You’ll begin with a “fan ceremony” to clear your mind and enliven your senses.
Then you’ll settle in to smell all 7 of the archetype anointing oils, taking your time and noticing which oil brings about the strongest reaction.
Then we’ll spend some time talking about how this archetype is guiding you and showing you how to offer your work.
Your session concludes with an anointing ceremony.
You’ll leave your session feeling encouraged, clear, and validated.
I’m available for Archetype Readings at your private event or brick & mortar location. Just submit the contact form and I’ll holler back.
The Arche-telegram
It’s more than a newsletter; it’s a timely offering.
Prepare to move through the 8 (yes, 8!) seasons each year with insights, wisdom, and intentional practices
and to join a community of bad asses and mystics, poets and visionaries, rock stars, nomads, witches, and bitches.